Webinar: How to Integrate Wellness into Substance Abuse Prevention Using Marketing Strategies

Webinar: How to Integrate Wellness into Substance Abuse Prevention Using Marketing Strategies

Webinar Objectives:

  1. Identify the need for integrating wellness promotion into substance use prevention programs.       
  2. Explain marketing concepts supporting integrated prevention with wellness programs.
  3. Describe a marketing-related conceptual model for creating integrated prevention with wellness programs.
  4. Describe two steps for creating messages integrating wellness with prevention.
  5. Provide examples of screening measures, integrated health messages and multiple behavior goal plans/contracts.
  6. Explore resources for providing prevention with wellness programs. 

Length: Approximately 1 hour 

CEU Certificate: 1-hour CEU certificate available upon completing webinar and requesting certificate 

For questions, or if you’d like us to present this webinar to your organization, call: (904) 472-5022, info@preventionpluswellness.com 

View video: https://youtu.be/yFvdsJLVmmM

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