SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) was implemented to 1057 youth in groups over a three-year period (2020-2023) at 11 middle school districts and one Boys & Girls Clubs region across five states (New York, Michigan, Washington, Nebraska, and Missouri).
Most youth were between the ages of 11-13 years old.
Confidential online posttest surveys evaluating the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program were administered immediately after the program was presented to youth.
A content analysis was conducted using participating youth responses to a question about what they liked best about the program.
Responses were first coded, line-by-line. The frequency of coded words and phrases were determined and those with 10 or more mentions were included in the analysis.
Content Analysis Themes
Coded words and phrases were then grouped into themes.
A total of seven themes were identified and are listed below, along with the number of coded works/phrases for each.
- Alcohol and Drug Use: 12 codes
- Motivation: 18 codes
- Goals: 4 codes
- Healthy Behaviors: 11 codes
- Program Effects: 27 codes
- Self: 6 codes
- Lesson Quality and Aspects: 7 codes
The number of codes ranged from a high of 27 for the theme “Program Effects” to a low of four codes for the theme “Goals”.
Alcohol and Drug Use
The theme Alcohol and Drug Use included 12 codes, with the most frequently used code words/phrases being: drugs (180), use (132), alcohol (59), real (58), and bad (54).
Two sub-themes emerged. One sub-theme was labeled “Drugs” and included codes like drugs, alcohol and smoke. The other sub-theme was titled “Effects” and included codes such as use, bad and real (e.g., dangers of drugs).
The theme Motivation included 18 codes, with the most frequently used code words/phrases being: do (229), more (90), made me (44), not to (44), and motivat(e)(34).
The theme Goals consisted of four codes, including goal (87), set (81), goal setting (29), and plan (11).
Healthy Behaviors
The theme Healthy Behaviors included 11 codes, with the most frequently used being: health (159), healthy (86), eat (67), sleep (53), and sports (30).
Program Effects
The theme Program Effects included 27 codes, with the most frequent being: help (142), what (e.g., to do)(92), more (e.g., energy)(90), learn (77), and know (75).
The theme Self consisted of six codes, including me (363), to you (113), self (31), myself (15), for you (13), and fit (10).
Lesson Quality and Aspects
The theme Lesson Quality and Aspects was composed of seven codes, with the most frequent being: all (e.g., of it)(93), talk (57), and good (34).
Two sub-themes emerged. One sub-theme was titled program “Quality” and included codes like all, good, nothing, and a lot. The second sub-theme was labeled program “Aspects” and included codes like talk, questions, and activities.
The content analysis of young adolescent post-program comments about participating in a group implemented SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness program across five states identified seven themes.
These themes reflect the content and aims of the SPORT PPW program, including increasing awareness of alcohol and drug use and their effects, as well as health and specific healthy behaviors such as eating, sleep and sports.
Youth reported a focus on themselves and their goals and goal setting after participating in the SPORT PPW program which also reflect key program elements.
Youth motivation was a major post-program theme and reflected participants actions to “do” “more” and “made me” were influenced, which supports SPORT PPW as a motivational intervention.
Another major theme was program effects, which indicated youth found the SPORT PPW lesson helped them to learn, know and do more.
Finally, all program quality was rated largely as good, and participants particularly liked the talk, questions, and activities in the SPORT PPW lesson.
Together, the themes, sub-themes, codes and their frequencies highlight the SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness program as an effective motivational intervention that increased youth reflection on self and goal setting aimed as avoiding alcohol and drug use and increasing healthy habits.