Prevention Plus Wellness Programs Include SBIRT Protocol
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs, like the SPORT, Marijuana, Vaping, Opioid and InShape PPW programs for adolescents and young adults include materials and directions for implementation as an optional Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT).
These materials include directions for implementation of PPW as an SBIRT, the CRAFFT or ASSIST-Lite screening tool to identify high-risk substance use, and referral to treatment recommendations for high-risk participants.
Selected PPW programs can be provided as SBIRT to individual youth/young adults, or to youth or young adults individually, in groups, or virtually using the original PPW brief intervention scripts.
PPW-SBIRT is an enhanced SBIRT that will provide all participants with an evidence-based prevention intervention aimed at reducing risk for substance use/misuse and promoting protective healthy behaviors to enhance overall mental health, wellbeing and performance in school, work, and life.
PPW-SBIRT is a four-step prevention and early intervention-focused process of screening, feedback, goal setting and referral to treatment designed to prevent and reduce substance use/misuse (e.g., alcohol, e-cigarette, marijuana, opioids, and others) and promote healthy lifestyle behaviors, including regular physical activity, nutrition, sleep, and stress control for protecting and improving the mental and physical wellbeing of youth and adults.
PPW-SBIRT can be implemented in school-based health centers, behavioral health organizations, substance abuse treatment settings, college health and wellness centers, military bases, walk-in clinics providing school and sport physical examinations and wellness check-ups, and organizations and agencies providing regular prevention and SBIRT services.