Prevention Plus Wellness Webinars

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) hosts regular free webinars to help prevention and health professionals learn about the need for practical, evidence-based programs that cost-effectively integrate substance use prevention with healthy behavior promotion for ALL youth and young adults. 

Below is a list of common webinars we offer to better understand our unique one-session evidence-based practices screening and brief interventions that can be provided to young people in any setting.  

You’ll also learn how you can become certified to implement, or train others to implement, our evidence-based programs in just two hours attending PPW online or onsite training workshops.  

Sign up today to receive our weekly email notices about upcoming free webinars, new prevention and health research, and special discounts on our programs and training:

We can present any of these one-hour webinars for your group, organization or conference which include a 1-hour CEU certificate of completion.

Just contact us to schedule a time: 904-472-5022, or

Prevention Plus Wellness Webinar Topics   

  1. Vaping, Marijuana & Opioid PPW Programs & Training
  2. SPORT & InShape (Alcohol/Drug) Prevention Plus Wellness One-Session Programs for Youth & Young Adults
  3. Evidence-based Prevention Plus Wellness Model for Providers & Parents
  4. One-session Youth & Parent Substance Use Prevention Plus Wellness Programs
  5. Prevention Plus Wellness Parent Training Programs
  6. SPORT (Alcohol/Drug) PPW Video Program Preview
  7. Implementing PPW Programs Online
  8. Youth Goal Setting for Promoting Health & Preventing Substance Use
  9. Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines for Youth Goal Setting
  10. Preventing Youth Substance Use by Promoting Anti-Racism
  11. Integrating Wellness into Substance Use Disorder Prevention
  12. Positive Youth Development Programs Preventing Substance Use
  13. SPORT 2 (Alcohol/Drug) Prevention Plus Wellness 6-Session Program for Promoting Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Sleep & Stress Control