Sample Grant Proposal
Below is a sample grant proposal for Drug Free Communities (DFC) or other grant funding to support the purchase of Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs, training, and evaluation services.
This proposal can be tailored to your specific organization and target population’s needs to request funding to provide any evidence-based or evidence-informed Prevention Plus Wellness programs for youth or adults, including our parent training programs and multi-media campaigns.
We are happy to offer guidance in planning your grant proposal’s budget to request sufficient funds to meet your proposed program’s needs and goals.
Sample Title of the Proposal:
Evidence-based Substance Use Prevention and Mental Health Promotion
Description of the Proposed Project
Program Need and Description:
Data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention show that American youth are at risk for a multitude of lifestyle behaviors that are harmful to their mental and physical well-being. These include alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarette, marijuana, nonmedical opioid and other illicit drug use, physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, lack of sleep and uncontrolled stress.
Research also indicates that the majority of US youth experience two or more co-existing health risk behaviors, and over a third three or more risk behaviors. Together, multiple risk habits interact to compound the pain, suffering and sadness youth and their families experience by increasing the likelihood of injury, illness, and personal and social problems, while hindering positive youth development.
An innovative solution to the national epidemic of multiple health risk behaviors is implementing evidence-based programs that integrate alcohol and drug use prevention with healthy behavior promotion. The SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs provide the only evidence-based interventions that address substance use, mental health and chronic disease risk behaviors in a single intervention and setting, to cost-effectively improve the whole-health of participating youth (or young adults).
(Optional) The Vaping, Marijuana, Opioid, or Opioid & Stimulants Prevention Plus Wellness programs, SPORT Health Behaviors, SPORT 3 Prevention Plus Wellness program, Parent Prevention Plus Wellness Training programs and Prevention Plus Wellness Media Campaigns provide the only evidence-informed interventions that address substance use, mental health and chronic disease risk behaviors in a single intervention (or campaign) and setting, to cost-effectively improve the whole health of participating youth (or young adults).
SPORT PPW/InShape PPW is designed to enhance the positive development of youth by teaching them the importance of simultaneously avoiding substance use with increasing wellness-promoting behaviors to achieve desired future images and personal goals. The wellness-promoting behaviors include participating in physical activity and sports, healthy breakfast and eating, sleep and controlling stress.
SPORT/InShape Prevention Plus Wellness is a practical, single-session evidence-based brief intervention designed to save organizations’ time and money. SPORT PPW/InShape PPW is uniquely customized to the current health habits of each participating youth. SPORT PPW/InShape PPW has been rigorously evaluated in controlled evaluation trials and shown to prevent and reduce alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use, while increasing healthy habits such as physical activity which are necessary for promoting and protecting the overall mental and physical health and well-being of young people.
SPORT/InShape Prevention Plus Wellness is listed on the federal government’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), Blueprints for Healthy Youth Develop and many other evidence-based programs registries. It is implemented in three easy steps: 1) Screen youth (young adults) for their current health habits to increase awareness of their health behaviors, 2) Provide feedback and positive image messaging to increase motivation for practicing healthy habits and avoiding substance use, and 3) Assist youth in setting and monitoring multiple health behavior goals to initiate behavior change and increase self-regulation skills and self-efficacy.
Everything needed to successfully implement SPORT PPW/InShape PPW to an unlimited number of youths is included in the programs, including a program manual and a digital download of PowerPoint slides and reproducible materials. SPORT PPW/InShape PPW program manuals include fully scripted protocols for easy and reliable implementation to youth either individually or in groups, in-person or virtually.
Every SPORT PPW/InShape PPW program comes with free online and telephone support by the developer. In addition, practical online self-paced program implementer training is available to learn how to provide the program with maximum fidelity and efficacy.
Program Benefits:
The SPORT/InShape Prevention Plus Wellness program fills a key gap in achieving the life skills needs of contemporary youth. Specifically, SPORT PPW/InShape PPW is the only program that teaches youth/young adults how alcohol and other drug use interferes with healthy lifestyle behaviors and positive image achievement necessary for improving mental and physical well-being, productivity, and happiness.
For more information on the PPW Program Logic Model and Theory:
SPORT PPW/InShape PPW also teaches youth critical self-management skills to set and monitor multiple health behavior goals to reach and maintain a healthy lifestyle and combat multiple health risks common among American youth. SPORT PPW/InShape PPW is an ideal evidence-based intervention for our organization and the youth we serve which includes…
SPORT PPW/InShape PPW is designed to increase youth, parent and provider interest and participation by emphasizing positive images of youth engaged in wellness promoting habits. In addition, SPORT PPW/InShape PPW is easily customized to each youth’s individual needs by providing messages addressing their current health behaviors and desired self-identity and personal values.
SPORT PPW/InShape PPW dovetails well with and will enhance other life skill activities and prevention, education and environmental strategies we offer at our organization. These activities and programs include…
Because SPORT PPW/InShape PPW is quick and easy to implement, it provides a very practical solution to offering an evidence-based program within a busy organizational setting like ours. As such, it will increase our prevention reach to a significantly larger number of youth (or young adult) participants.
Since SPORT PPW/InShape PPW teaches youth how substance use risk behaviors and healthy lifestyle behaviors are interact and influence each other, it offers a unique educational and motivational strategy for improving the positive development of young people in our region.
Implementation Plan:
In the proposed project, we will implement SPORT PPW/InShape PPW to xxx number of youth/young adults enrolled at our organization during a xx-month period. Last year, xxx youth were seen at our organization.
A total of xxx staff will receive online training from Prevention Plus Wellness to become certified to implement SPORT PPW/InShape PPW with fidelity to our organizations and region’s youth.
In addition, continual program support and assistance will be provided by Chudley Werch, PhD, CEO at Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC and the developer of the SPORT PPW/InShape PPW program. SPORT PPW/InShape PPW will be implemented every xxx during the course of xxx months to ensure xxx youth receive the SPORT PPW/InShape PPW intervention.
(Optional) The Parent SPORT (or other Parent PPW) Program will be provided to parents/caregivers of participating youth to reinforce and strengthen multiple health behavior messaging and goal setting in home settings. The one-session Parent SPORT PPW program is an adaptation of the evidence-based youth SPORT PPW program and is designed to help parents/caregivers gain the knowledge, confidence, and skills to provide brief multiple health behavior messages and goal planning experiences for their youth which address substance use prevention and wellness behavior promotion.
(Optional) The SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Media Campaign (or other PPW media campaign) will be implemented throughout the organization and community to reinforce and strengthen substance use prevention and healthy behavior promotion messages and goal setting for youth. The ready-to-implement SPORT Alcohol/Drug Prevention Plus Wellness Media Campaign is designed to correct myths, misconceptions, and norms about alcohol use, increase awareness of alcohol harm, media influences, provide positive youth and adult role models, enhance positive self-identity, increase youth self-regulation skills to set healthy behavior goals, and develop protective wellness lifestyles. The content for the campaign was adapted from the evidence-based SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness motivational program for youth and includes information from essential evidence-informed sources, e.g., CDC.
We also plan to use the evaluation tools that come with the SPORT PPW/InShape PPW program to monitor program implementation quality, fidelity, and outcomes including critical immediate risk and protective factors for substance use as actual 30-day substance use and health behavior measures. This data will be used to promote our program’s growth and sustainability and make improvements over time.
Population Served:
All youth ages 8-18 years (or other age groups) enrolled at our organization will be offered the SPORT PPW/InShape PPW program. These youth are typically…
Financial Breakdown of How Funding Will Be Use:
- XX amount of funding will be requested to purchase SPORT PPW/InShape PPW program materials and training (either hardcopy manuals and individual online program implementer training courses or Unlimited PPW Program & Training Licenses).
- XX amount of the budget will be dedicated to the analysis and reporting of evaluation data to assess the quality of program implementation and both risk and protective factor and behavioral outcomes resulting from the SPORT/InShape Prevention Plus Wellness program.
- Most of the funding will be used for staff support xxx, purchasing xxx equipment, and as highlighted above, providing program materials and training to implement and evaluate the proposed PPW program.
How Project Success Will be Measured:
The proposed project’s success will be assessed and tracked at two levels. First, program quality and immediate program effects will be evaluated using two strategies.
The online pretest and immediate post-program survey includes measures of behavioral intentions to avoid six substances (alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, marijuana, nonmedical opioids, and methamphetamines) and engage in six healthy behaviors (physical activity, eating breakfast and fruits and vegetables, sleep, stress control, and goal setting), perceived harmfulness of each of the six substances, a mental health measure of feeling sadness and hopeless, and a measure of overall mental and physical health. The pretest will also include 30-day frequency measures of each of the targeted substance use and healthy behaviors.
The immediate posttest survey will include the same risk and protective measures (but not the 30-day behavioral measures) as well as a measure of how much participants liked the lesson, how much the program helped them avoid substance use and improve their health behaviors, and two qualitative measures assessing program benefits and limitations. These latter two items will enhance our understanding of the quantitative measures and allow youth (or young adults) to provide feedback in their own words.
In addition, an online instructor’s survey will assess the quality of program implementation after each lesson presentation across seven key indicators of implementation success.
Both the participating youth and instructor surveys will be monitored on a continual basis to ensure program implementation quality. In addition, a PPW Program Fidelity Checklist will be completed to ensure reliability of program implementation over time.
A second 3-month follow-up posttest survey will measure the identical risk and protective factors and 30-day behavioral measures found on the pretest survey. This second posttest survey will permit assessment of substance use and healthy behavior and risk/protective changes from pretest to 3-month post-program.
The evaluation plan will include an equal number of matched youth (grade/age, gender, and ethnicity) who will serve as a comparison group and receive the pretest and 3-month follow-up posttest. After the posttest, this group will then receive the PPW program. This quasi-experimental design will significantly increase our confidence in the outcomes we find during our evaluation.
All program evaluation tools are included with the SPORT PPW/InShape PPW program purchase. The program developer will be available by phone and email to address all program implementation and evaluation issues and provide support as needed throughout the project.
A report will be written detailing the findings of the survey data collected at posttest, from pretest to immediate posttest, from pretest to follow-up posttest among youth receiving the PPW program, as well as contrasted to those in the comparison group using appropriate statistical analyses and charts depicting data.
Data tables will display frequencies and percentages, as well as means and standard deviations. Statistical analyses will include descriptive and inferential tests to explain the quantitative data and examine changes across time and between groups on risk/protective factors and behavioral measures. Qualitative data will be analyzed for main themes and frequency of theme occurrence.