Tips for Tailoring Your Program
One key benefit that sets Prevention Plus Wellness programs apart from other substance abuse prevention programs is that we permit pre-approved tailoring of program content and illustrations to enhance program fit and effectiveness, while carefully maintaining the fidelity of the original program and its implementation.
We believe that if program content and images are customized to the needs of the organization and participating population, they are likely to be better received and potentially more effective.
We only require that organizations get program changes approved prior to implementing any revised program so that we can ensure all changes made do not compromise the conceptual and implementation models underlying Prevention Plus Wellness programs.
Tailoring can include limited editing of image terms found in program scripts to improve acceptability of messages, as well as inserting or replacing illustrations in PowerPoint slides to better represent the demographics of participating young people.
In addition, all PowerPoint slides can be co-branded with the organization’s name and logo, as long as the identifying Prevention Plus Wellness program title and logo are left intact on all materials.
If you have questions, just give us a call: (904) 472-5022.