What is SBPIRT?

SBPIRT stands for Screening, Brief Prevention & Intervention & Referral to Treatment. 

SBPIRT is like SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to Treatment), but with the addition of an evidence-based prevention component which can be provided to all youth or young adults who’ve been screened, or just those at lower or higher risk for substance use based upon screening results.

A key advantage of SBPIRT is that young people receive effective substance use prevention during the SBIRT process.

Another advantage of SBPIRT is that the prevention content is also designed to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors associated with mental health, performance and happiness.  These include physical activity and sports, nutrition, sleep and stress control.

This is all made possible because SBPIRT uses the evidence-based SPORT (Alcohol/Drug) Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) protocol for youth or the InShape (Alcohol/Drug) Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) protocol for young adults/college students.

Since these implementation protocols are scripted, they can be provided as an add-on to other typical SBIRT for adolescents or young adults or just by themselves. 

Both SPORT and InShape as well as other PPW programs also include a second protocol to provide them to youth and young adults in group settings, or virtually.

Learn more about SPORT PPW: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/evidence-based-alcohol-drug-sport-prevention-plus-wellness

Learn more about InShape PPW: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/evidence-based-alcohol-drug-inshape-prevention-plus-wellness