Coming Soon!  SPORT PPW Online Program

Coming Soon! SPORT PPW Online Program

The SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Online Program is a self-paced, interactive program for youth in school, community, and home settings.

SPORT PPW Online presents the identical content and PowerPoint slides of the original evidence-based SPORT PPW program, but in a virtual format.

In addition, the SPORT PPW Online Program is fully narrated and includes quiz questions to engage participating youth.

Simply provide youth with the program link to take the program.  Include pretest and posttest survey links before and after the program to evaluate its effectiveness.

The SPORT PPW Online Program follows the same 3-step evidence-based screening and brief intervention model as all PPW programs, including:

  1. Screening youth to increase awareness of their current health behaviors,
  2. Presenting positive future image content to increase motivation for change and link both healthy and substance use habits, and
  3. Instructing youth to complete a multiple behavior goal plan/contract to initiate health behavior change and increase self-regulation skills and self-efficacy.

The SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness Online Program provides a rich visual and audio learning experience for youth (approximately 45 minutes in length).  

Contact us for more information: or (904) 472-5022.

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