Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Prevention Plus Wellness!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Prevention Plus Wellness!

Wishing you the very best during the holidays and all next year.  

We’ll be out of the office most of next week, but if you need to contact us try or (904) 472-5022 and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

We will be back in the office full time after New Year’s Day.  

Our next free webinar is scheduled for Thursday January 10th on: E-cigarette and Cannabis Use Prevention Using Evidence-informed Programs Promoting Wellness. 

Sign up: 

We’ll also be scheduling a live 2-hour online training workshop for those implementing the Marijuana and/or Vaping Prevention Plus Wellness Program in early January. 

Order your combined program and online training: 

Looking forward to seeing you soon! 

Chudley Werch, PhD, President

Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC

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