A new study published in PLoS Medicine examined prescription opioid use and misuse among adolescents and young adults throughout the US.
The authors concluded that the prevalence of prescription opioid use among adolescents and young adults in the US is high.
In addition, opioid misuse is common among both adolescents and young adults and is often associated with additional substance abuse.
The authors recommend drug and alcohol screening program for these populations.
One particular screening and brief intervention designed to prevent opioid misuse among youth and young adults is the Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness program.
The Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program integrates opioid prevention with the promotion of fitness and health behaviors protective of substance use among youth.
Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness is a single-session screening and brief intervention that can be feasibly provided in busy school and community settings and is scripted for easy implementation.
Opioid PPW comes in three versions for: 1) adolescents, 2) high risk young adult men, and 3) high risk young adult women.
Learn more about the Opioid PPW program: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/opioid-prevention-plus-wellness-programs
Read the full research abstract: https://europepmc.org/abstract/med/31689290