New Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness Program

New Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness Program

Marijuana Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) is an evidence-informed intervention adopted from SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness which is listed on the federal government’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development and other evidence-based program registries.    

Marijuana PPW is the country’s only single-session screening and brief intervention designed to increase youth wellness-enhancing behaviors including physical activity, sports participation, healthy eating, getting adequate sleep, and practicing stress control while also preventing marijuana use.  And it takes less than 50 minutes to implement! 

Originally titled SPORT Marijuana Awareness, the updated Marijuana PPW program includes new content, slides and resources highlighting how marijuana use harms wellness behaviors and future desired self-images and promotes adoption of a fit and healthy lifestyle protective of marijuana use.

Learn more:

View a program sample:

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“ The opposite of substance use isn’t non-use, it’s wellness!” 

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