Webinar Objectives:
- Explore the improved contents in the single-session evidence-informed Vaping Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program manuals for high school and middle school youth.
- Review the updated PowerPoint slides permitting more interactive presentation both face-to-face and online.
- Identify new reproducible materials found in the program digital downloads.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3wELh76kQYWcChUfi8Ousw
Date: Tuesday May 12th
Time: 11:30am ET/8:30am PT
Length: 30 minutes
CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar and requesting certificate
Learn more: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/vaping-prevention-plus-wellness-program?variant=15330473312358
Implementing Substance Use Prevention Plus Wellness Programs Online: Free Training Webinar
Session Objectives:
- Describe step-by-step methods for providing Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs online to youth individually and in groups.
- Explore tools for monitoring and evaluating online PPW program quality and effectiveness.
- Identify PPW program online training and resources.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_a81euw4zSxqbEBv8fui3eQ
Length: 60 minutes
Date: Wednesday May 6th
Time: 11:30am ET/8:30am PT
CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar and requesting certificate
Learn more: https://preventionpluswellness.com/pages/covid-19-ppw-resources
New 2020 InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Program: Free Webinar
Webinar Objectives:
- Explore the improved contents in the single-session evidence-based InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program manual for young adults.
- Review the updated PowerPoint slides permitting both face-to-face and online.
- Identify new reproducible materials found in the program digital downloads.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_br3GXmf9TNOcp-I5-_wO-w
Length: 30 minutes
Date: Thursday May 7th
Time: 11:30am ET/8:30am PT
CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar and requesting certificate
Learn more: https://preventionpluswellness.com/products/is-inshape-for-young-adults-program