Live 2-hour training workshops are designed to conveniently provide the knowledge, confidence and skills to successfully implement the evidence-based single-session SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program with youth.
Training comes with 3-year certification as a Program Implementer and 5-hours CEUs including 2-hours live training, 1-hour recorded session, and 2-hours self-practice.
These workshops are also great as a refresher prior to implementing any of your Prevention Plus Wellness programs this year.
Upcoming open dates and times include:
- Thursday August 22nd 11:30 am ET
- Friday September 6th 11:30 am ET
Schedule your own training:
Five or more individuals can schedule a time and date to take their training workshop which best fits their schedule.
Call today to register or request a training workshop: (904) 472-5022,
Order 5 or more workshops and receive a 50% off discount. Just use the discount code: “ppwtraining” when ordering online. Good only for a short time.
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"The opposite of substance use isn't non-use,
it's wellness!"