Providing Individual, Family & Environmental-Level Substance Use Prevention Programs

Providing Individual, Family & Environmental-Level Substance Use Prevention Programs

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) offers multiple levels of substance use prevention programming, including individual-level youth programs as well as environmental-level parent (family) training programs, multi-media campaigns and an online youth tracking program.

Providing prevention targeting multiple social contexts is part of a comprehensive strategy supported by SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) (

Implementing multi-level prevention strategies increase the likelihood of prevention message reception and impact among targeted youth populations, particularly when prevention messages overlap and reinforce each other.   

For example, knowledge, beliefs and skills resulting from an evidence-based individual-level youth PPW program can be further strengthened by youth receiving similar PPW messages and resources from parents, while both youth and parents can benefit from an overlaying third-tier of PPW messaging from a media campaign using broad-reaching print and social media.

Prevention Plus Wellness provides multi-level programs addressing youth alcohol, e-cigarette, marijuana and opioid use.  These include the one-lesson 45-minute SPORT (Alcohol/Drug), Vaping (E-Cigarette), Marijuana and Opioid Prevention Plus Wellness screening and brief interventions for youth.

Each of these PPW youth programs can be reinforced and strengthen by implementing matching one-session Parent PPW Training Programs and PPW Media Campaigns.  

PPW programs are being implemented across the US and abroad as universal, selective and indicated prevention strategies.

All three levels of prevention are designed to increase youth awareness of their substance use and healthy behaviors, provide positive self-image and behavior feedback and messages to increase motivation for change, and engage youth in multi-behavior goal setting to prevent substance use and increase protective healthy habits increasing self-efficacy and self-regulation skills.

Typically, prevention specialists will implement a PPW youth program and follow this with parent training, or in some cases offer both simultaneously.  The PPW Media Campaign can then be used to follow-up and reinforce youth and parent messages. 

An alternative sequence is to provide the Media Campaign prior to implementing the youth and parent programs to initiate prevention and wellness messaging across a school district or region thereby laying the groundwork for subsequent youth and parent prevention strategies.

In addition, PPW offers yet one more level of prevention with the online Goal Plan Tracking Program which allows prevention providers to track and reinforce youth daily goal monitoring and weekly goal setting for up to a month after receiving an initial youth PPW program. 

This technology-based level of prevention is designed to support, extend and enhance the single-session youth PPW programs by strengthening self-regulation skills and self-efficacy to set and monitor healthy behavior goals and teach youth to shape their own health behaviors.

Below are links to each of the levels of prevention programs offered at Prevention Plus Wellness that address underage alcohol use.  These multi-level programs are also available for preventing e-cigarette, marijuana and opioid use.

Youth-Level Prevention: SPORT PPW:

Parent/Family-Level Prevention: SPORT Parent PPW Training Program:

Environmental Level Prevention: SPORT (Alcohol) PPW Media Campaign:

Technology Level Prevention: PPW Goal Plan Tracking Program:

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