Providing Prevention Plus Wellness Programs During an Epidemic

Providing Prevention Plus Wellness Programs During an Epidemic

The following is a list of protocols for providing the unique single-session evidence-based Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs via distance-learning in the event of an epidemic such as the novel coronavirus, poor weather conditions preventing travel, desire to reach youth in physically remote areas or for other reasons. 

These protocols include steps for providing PPW programs by phone, live online, recorded video and correspondence. 

Face-to-Face: Preferred Protocol (Individual/One-on-One) 

First, the four steps for providing a typical face-to-face PPW program is listed as a basis for comparing against distance-learning options. 

The typical and preferred face-to-face steps for implementation include: 

  1. Provide the script introduction
  2. Implement the screening survey
  3. Provide feedback tailored to screen responses while showing program slides
  4. Provide the goal plan/contact & co-sign it when completed 

Phone Protocol 

The first distance-learning strategy for providing PPW programs is by telephone. 

This is the desired strategy for implementation in the event face-to-face and live online options allowing visual communication are not feasible, but telephone communication is available.  

The steps for implementing PPW programs by phone include: 

  1. Call and confirm you are speaking with the youth participant
  2. Provide the script introduction
  3. Ask the first screening survey question & provide feedback
  4. Repeat through the entire script
  5. Read the goal plan/contract and help the youth complete it orally
  6. Mail or email the completed and co-signed goal plan or provide a link to the online goal plan/contract
  7. Option 1: Mail, email or text a copy of the slides to view during the phone feedback
  8. Option 2: Mail a co-signed goal plan/contract in advance of the session 

Online Live Protocol 

The online live protocol is preferred over the phone, video or correspondence methods as it allows visual communication. 

This strategy, however, may be more expensive and time consuming compared to other methods such as providing a recorded video or correspondence booklets. 

The online live implementation steps include: 

1. Select a video-conferencing service to use like Zoom or Go To Meeting
2. Call, email or text the youth participant to set up a date & time for the PPW session
3. Provide the script introduction
4. If your video-conferencing allows polling, ask the youth to complete the screening survey questions & provide feedback tailored to screen responses while showing program slides online
5. Option: Ask first screening survey question & provide feedback while showing program slides online
6. Repeat through the entire script
7. Read the goal plan/contract and help the youth complete it while showing a copy online 
8. Mail or email the completed and co-signed goal plan/contract or provide a link to the online goal plan/contract

9. Option: Mail a co-signed goal plan/contract in advance of the session 

Correspondence Method 

Another option for providing Prevention Plus Wellness programs via distance-learning is the correspondence approach. 

This low-tech strategy may be the only option in settings where youth or teachers do not have access to computers or internet service.  

Steps for implementing PPW by correspondence include: 

  1. Mail, email or hand out a PPW program booklet
  2. Ask participating youth to mail, email or text a completed copy of the goal plan/contract
  3. Option: Ask youth to complete a goal plan/contract online 

Recorded Online Video Protocol 

The online video protocol allows both a visual and audio learning experience and therefore may be considered more desirable to phone or correspondence strategies. 

However, the online video method provides a less tailored group script experience and requires a computer device and internet access to view the recorded lesson. 

Steps for implementing PPW programs by recorded online video include: 

  1. Post, email or text a link to the PPW session video to participating youth
  2. Youth complete their goal plan/contract online using the link provided during the video 

PPW Program Follow Up Strategies 

Some prevention and health specialists and organizations choose to provide follow up experiences or activities for youth participating in Prevention Plus Wellness programs. 

We provide a number of practical distance-learning options for following up with participating youth after providing the initial PPW screening and brief intervention. 

These follow up options include: 

  1. Require participants to complete additional weekly goal plan/contracts online or by using hard copies
  2. Assign post-program online activities selected from the PPW Youth & Teacher Resources website page
  3. Maintain communication/contact with participating youth via phone, video-conferencing, email, text or any combination of these to ensure they continue to set and monitor weekly goals to avoid substance use and improve one or more protective wellness behaviors. 

Provide Feedback on the PPW Program Option You Like Best 

Take this 1-minute survey to give your feedback on how to provide prevention programs during the coronavirus or other epidemic. 

Take survey now: 

Sign-Up for a Free Webinar on Providing PPW Programs During an Epidemic 


Length: Approximately 30 minutes 

Date: Friday March 20th         

Time: 11:30am ET/8:30am PT 

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