Recalling Positive Memories May Reduce Risk of Depression Among Teens

Recalling Positive Memories May Reduce Risk of Depression Among Teens

New research published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour and discussed in a Psychology Today article presents how having adolescents recall happy memories could fortify their resilience against depression later in life. 

In this article the author details how depression is the number one cause of disability throughout the world and describes what are negative self-cognitions. 

The article also presents the practical implications of research suggesting that eliciting positive memories among teens were shown to reduce negative self-thoughts and lower cortisol levels as a biomarker to stress.  

The key implication of this research is that building resiliency among adolescents can protect them from stress-related disorders. 

In a related resiliency-building strategy, Prevention Plus Wellness programs cue positive images of children, adolescents, young adults and adults engaged in various wellness behaviors to increase motivation to set multiple health behavior goals. 

These goals include avoiding stress-inducing substance abuse and increasing protective wellness habits like physical activity and participating in sports, healthy nutrition, getting adequate sleep and practicing stress-reduction techniques. 

The Logic Model used in developing all Prevention Plus Wellness programs provides a blueprint for developing evidence-based and evidence-informed programs integrating substance abuse prevention with resiliency-building wellness behaviors and identity among young people. 

View the revised Prevention Plus Wellness Logic Model: 

Read the full article about positive memories reducing youth depression: 

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“The opposite of substance use is not non-use,
it’s wellness!”
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