Youth Prevention and Wellness Blog

Prevention Plus Wellness Media Campaigns

Prevention Plus Wellness Media Campaigns

Media campaigns are an important and efficient way to deliver substance use prevention, health and safety messages to youth, parents, and communities.  They are also a great way to get youth involved...

Prevention Plus Wellness Media Campaigns

Media campaigns are an important and efficient way to deliver substance use prevention, health and safety messages to youth, parents, and communities.  They are also a great way to get youth involved...

Calling All PPW Program Implementers & Trainers

Calling All PPW Program Implementers & Trainers

If you were trained as a Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program implementer or trainer on or before the year 2020, your 3-year certification has expired. Best practices in implementing and...

Calling All PPW Program Implementers & Trainers

If you were trained as a Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program implementer or trainer on or before the year 2020, your 3-year certification has expired. Best practices in implementing and...

PPW Program Training Opportunities

PPW Program Training Opportunities

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) provides flexible and practical individual and group online and onsite training for program implementers and trainers. Online Training Opportunities Online training option costs and links to...

PPW Program Training Opportunities

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) provides flexible and practical individual and group online and onsite training for program implementers and trainers. Online Training Opportunities Online training option costs and links to...

Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do

In March 2019 my youngest brother Scott G. Werch passed away from alcohol use disorder, also referred to as alcoholism.  He was just 53 years old, and he left behind...

Why We Do What We Do

In March 2019 my youngest brother Scott G. Werch passed away from alcohol use disorder, also referred to as alcoholism.  He was just 53 years old, and he left behind...

Did You Know…? PPW Philanthropy

Did You Know…? PPW Philanthropy

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) not only provides effective and practical substance use/misuse prevention programs and training that promote youth and adult healthy lifestyle behaviors, but we also make a significant...

Did You Know…? PPW Philanthropy

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) not only provides effective and practical substance use/misuse prevention programs and training that promote youth and adult healthy lifestyle behaviors, but we also make a significant...

PPW Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to Treatment Programs

PPW Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to...

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based practice and a reimbursable service. PPW SBIRT includes a four-step process of screening, feedback, goal...

PPW Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to...

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based practice and a reimbursable service. PPW SBIRT includes a four-step process of screening, feedback, goal...