Because the evidence-based SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Programs are just one-session (with opportunities for follow-up sessions) and can be implemented in only 30-50 minutes, they can be provided to youth and young adults in nearly any setting and situation.
In addition, dual program scripts in the SPORT and InShape PPW Program manuals allow them to be provided as a one-on-one “coaching” session or optional group lesson, allowing even greater flexibility, practicality and reach.
Below is a list of settings and situations where the integrated Prevention Plus Wellness interventions can be provided to young people.
- After school programs.
- Health classes.
- Physical education classes.
- Study hall.
- Lunch break.
- School and community sports and recreation teams, clubs and associations.
- Fitness classes.
- School and sports physical exams.
- Youth organizations like Boys & Girls Clubs.
- Family organizations like YMCAs.
- School, community, college and church youth groups, clubs, peer leaders, and youth leadership training events.
- Juvenile justice.
- College RA training.
- College residence hall events.
- Wellness and health fairs and events.
- Mental and behavioral health counseling.
- In lieu of school suspensions.
- Alcohol, drug or behavioral infraction training.
- Hospitals and health clinics.
- School and summer camps.
- Prevention, intervention and treatment organizations and programs.
- Homes.
- Online.
Typical evidence-based prevention programs require significantly more time and resources for implementation, because they include multiple lessons or extensive training and skills to be implemented effectively.
That’s why the scripted SPORT and InShape PPW screening and brief interventions are often the only practical substance use prevention solution for youth and young adult serving organizations.
And because they are brief and practical, yet uniquely integrate fitness and health promotion with drug prevention, SPORT and InShape Prevention Plus Wellness are also likely to increase program participation and support, and reach greater numbers of young people than other prevention programs.
Learn more about SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness:
Learn more about InShape Prevention Plus Wellness:
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