There are several exciting changes happening at Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) that can help with your efforts to promote fit, healthy, and substance abuse-free youth and young adults in your region and state.
These changes include:
- A remodeled website Home page that reflects PPW’s training and program mission and offerings, and makes navigation simpler:
- An easier to read PDF order form listing all PPW training workshops and programs:
- A discounted price on the Marijuana Awareness Media Campaign. The ready-to-implement Media Campaign is now just $499. That's a $200 savings:
- A special new low price for volunteer youth participating in any of our Youth Leadership Training Workshops ($249 includes program materials).
Youth can be trained as leaders to provide the evidence-based SPORT or InShape Prevention Plus Wellness Program, or any of our evidence-informed programs like the Marijuana Awareness Media Campaign, to other youth and adults in their schools, families and communities. Learn more:
We are committed to providing exceptional prevention program training emphasizing feasibility, flexibility and cost-savings for professionals and youth leaders.
That is why we offer onsite and live online training, and workshops certifying program implementers and training of trainers.
That’s why we also offer special reduced prices and free programs and training for hosting a regional or state training workshop.
If you need training in practical evidence-based prevention programs that promote youth fitness, health and positive identities, let us make it happen for you.
We will do everything we can to provide you with evidence-based prevention program training, even if your organization has limited funding.
Just give us a call and tell us what you need today.
Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC
Jacksonville, FL
(904) 472-5022
Please like and share this important information with others in your region and state. Thank you!