Recently we sent out a short survey asking if prevention specialists would like us to create an online version of our scannable screening survey addenda (pretest) and feedback survey (posttest) to evaluate the pre-post effects of their Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs.
Nearly everyone who responded (97%) wanted the online version of the surveys, although less than half (47%) said their youth have their own hand-held devices to complete the surveys.
Based on your responses, we decided to create an online version of the pre-post survey for those of you who might like to use it.
However, we will also keep the current scannable surveys for those who wish to continue to use this method for pre-posttest program evaluation data collection.
Both the online and the scannable surveys allow you to evaluate the immediate pre-post effects of your PPW program without having to collect time-consuming follow-up data.
We will also continue to provide free initial analysis of the data collected either online or by scanned surveys so you can learn what positive effects your program is having and how you might be able to improve it in the future.
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