Prevention and health specialists recently attending the two-hour online Prevention Plus Wellness Program Implementer Training Workshop completed a post-training survey. The results of this survey are summarized below.
Ratings of Training Workshop Usefulness
- 90% liked it “A great deal” to “A lot”
- 90% said they found it “Extremely” to “Very” helpful
- 90% said their current level of comfort to implement the PPW program was “A lot”
- 100% said they had a “Great deal” of confidence they could present their PPW program with a high level of enthusiasm and passion
- 100% said they were “A great deal” or “A lot” confident they could accurately follow the protocol when presenting the PPW program
What did they like best?
Responses to the question of what they liked the best about the online PPW training workshop, participants responded:
- Very concise
- Related to where students are at
- The presenter’s personal approach to train PPW Implementer Workshop w/ ongoing communication & Q&A to cover all ways to implement great PPW resources
- The training was relaxed
- I enjoy all PPW workshops. I like how much material you cover in the amount of time. Also very easy to follow along and able to walk away with complete understanding.
- The small group session allowed ideas to blossom
- Great info
- It was very thorough and easy to understand
- All of the tips and tricks that other people have done
What did they like the least?
The most common response to the question of what did participants like the least about online PPW Program Implementer Training was “nothing.”
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