Youth Prevention and Wellness Blog

PPW Program Samples

PPW Program Samples

The following is a list of e-samples that are either redacted or incomplete versions of some of the most popular Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs for youth and parents.  They are...

PPW Program Samples

The following is a list of e-samples that are either redacted or incomplete versions of some of the most popular Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs for youth and parents.  They are...

Youth Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Quiz for Reaching  Optimal Mental & Physical Wellbeing

Youth Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Quiz for Reach...

The following Big 9 healthy lifestyle behaviors have been shown to help youth feel and perform at their very best mentally and physically in school, work, play and relationships.  Answer...

Youth Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Quiz for Reach...

The following Big 9 healthy lifestyle behaviors have been shown to help youth feel and perform at their very best mentally and physically in school, work, play and relationships.  Answer...

Does Your Prevention Program Improve Youth Health Behaviors?

Does Your Prevention Program Improve Youth Heal...

There are two strategies you can use to assess whether your Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program is preventing/reducing substance use and increasing healthy habits among participating youth. These two strategies...

Does Your Prevention Program Improve Youth Heal...

There are two strategies you can use to assess whether your Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program is preventing/reducing substance use and increasing healthy habits among participating youth. These two strategies...

New PPW Programs & Training Price List

New PPW Programs & Training Price List

We’ve updated our Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Programs, Training & Media Campaigns Price List so you can get a quick overview of all PPW program and training offerings and prices....

New PPW Programs & Training Price List

We’ve updated our Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Programs, Training & Media Campaigns Price List so you can get a quick overview of all PPW program and training offerings and prices....

PPW Exhibiting at the National Prevention Network (NPN) Conference

PPW Exhibiting at the National Prevention Netwo...

We are proud supporters of the NPN Conference! Please stop by our exhibit booth (#4) at the NPN Conference and pick up some information or a free giveaway! All attendees...

PPW Exhibiting at the National Prevention Netwo...

We are proud supporters of the NPN Conference! Please stop by our exhibit booth (#4) at the NPN Conference and pick up some information or a free giveaway! All attendees...

PPW Supports Feed the Children

PPW Supports Feed the Children

Please join Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) in donating to Feed the Children. Make the difference for millions of hungry children. Help nourish students’ minds and bodies, and set them up...

PPW Supports Feed the Children

Please join Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) in donating to Feed the Children. Make the difference for millions of hungry children. Help nourish students’ minds and bodies, and set them up...