Youth Prevention and Wellness Blog

New PPW Programs & Training List Flyer
This new one-page flyer lists all the one- and multi-session Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) youth programs, parent programs, media campaigns, training courses and unlimited licenses. Great for quickly identifying PPW...
New PPW Programs & Training List Flyer
This new one-page flyer lists all the one- and multi-session Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) youth programs, parent programs, media campaigns, training courses and unlimited licenses. Great for quickly identifying PPW...

What is the Unlimited PPW Program & Training Li...
The Unlimited Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program & Training License is a way you and your organization can have unlimited online access to any PPW youth or parent program or...
What is the Unlimited PPW Program & Training Li...
The Unlimited Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) Program & Training License is a way you and your organization can have unlimited online access to any PPW youth or parent program or...

Helping Youth Live an Active, Healthy and Drug-...
Below are the PowerPoint slides and recording of this webinar recently presented live by Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW). The webinar was created specifically for presentation to youth and young adult...
Helping Youth Live an Active, Healthy and Drug-...
Below are the PowerPoint slides and recording of this webinar recently presented live by Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW). The webinar was created specifically for presentation to youth and young adult...

Do Most Youth Use Drugs?: How to Present Substa...
A wise person once said that “Statistics don’t lie, but liars use statistics,” while the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli first said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn...
Do Most Youth Use Drugs?: How to Present Substa...
A wise person once said that “Statistics don’t lie, but liars use statistics,” while the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli first said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn...

Reasons for Increasing E-Cigarette Use Among Yo...
A new study published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research (2023) assessed changes in e-cigarette use since the COVID-19 pandemic began and reasons for these changes among US youth and young...
Reasons for Increasing E-Cigarette Use Among Yo...
A new study published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research (2023) assessed changes in e-cigarette use since the COVID-19 pandemic began and reasons for these changes among US youth and young...

Free PPW Program Webinar Demonstrations Available
Do you want to learn more about the varieties and benefits of Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs and our program training courses? Join us for free online demonstrations on Thursdays...
Free PPW Program Webinar Demonstrations Available
Do you want to learn more about the varieties and benefits of Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs and our program training courses? Join us for free online demonstrations on Thursdays...