Youth Prevention and Wellness Blog

2 Options for Choosing PPW Programs and Training
Prevention and health specialists and organizations now have two options for selecting their evidence-based, single-session Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs and training. The original option is to order a PPW...
2 Options for Choosing PPW Programs and Training
Prevention and health specialists and organizations now have two options for selecting their evidence-based, single-session Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs and training. The original option is to order a PPW...

New Mini-Video on How PPW Programs Work
Here’s a new super short (2 minute) video describing how Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs work. In this video you’ll learn about the 3-step evidence-based screening and brief intervention format...
New Mini-Video on How PPW Programs Work
Here’s a new super short (2 minute) video describing how Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs work. In this video you’ll learn about the 3-step evidence-based screening and brief intervention format...

2 PPW Opportunities for Youth Leadership & Enga...
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs and campaigns are ideal for providing youth leadership and engagement opportunities in two essential ways. Descriptions of these two opportunities are presented below. Implementing PPW...
2 PPW Opportunities for Youth Leadership & Enga...
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs and campaigns are ideal for providing youth leadership and engagement opportunities in two essential ways. Descriptions of these two opportunities are presented below. Implementing PPW...

Youth Healthy Behavior Goal Setting Tips
Listed below are goals and weekly goal tips for five key health behaviors. Weekly goals should be set just beyond your current habit so that you must put effort into...
Youth Healthy Behavior Goal Setting Tips
Listed below are goals and weekly goal tips for five key health behaviors. Weekly goals should be set just beyond your current habit so that you must put effort into...

PPW to Exhibit at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ame...
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) will be exhibiting our latest youth evidence-based substance use prevention programs that promote healthy lifestyle behaviors, including physical activity and sports, health eating, sleep, stress control,...
PPW to Exhibit at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ame...
Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) will be exhibiting our latest youth evidence-based substance use prevention programs that promote healthy lifestyle behaviors, including physical activity and sports, health eating, sleep, stress control,...

3 Ways to Improve Your Prevention Program Evalu...
Every organization needs to know how well their prevention program works and every prevention professional wants to determine what type of positive impact they are having on their participants. That's...
3 Ways to Improve Your Prevention Program Evalu...
Every organization needs to know how well their prevention program works and every prevention professional wants to determine what type of positive impact they are having on their participants. That's...