Youth Prevention and Wellness Blog

Prevention Best Practices
Want to learn more about the latest “best practices” for implementing and evaluating substance use Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs? Or maybe you want to learn the latest research findings...
Prevention Best Practices
Want to learn more about the latest “best practices” for implementing and evaluating substance use Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs? Or maybe you want to learn the latest research findings...

Expanding School-Based Prevention Programs
Here is a great article by Safe Solutions on the need for, and how to expand school-based prevention programs. According to the article’s authors, “There is a vast offering of...
Expanding School-Based Prevention Programs
Here is a great article by Safe Solutions on the need for, and how to expand school-based prevention programs. According to the article’s authors, “There is a vast offering of...

10% Off When Spending Down Your Funds with PPW ...
You can spend end of fiscal year funds on Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) training courses and programs and use them later in the year. Our online self-paced PPW Program Implementer...
10% Off When Spending Down Your Funds with PPW ...
You can spend end of fiscal year funds on Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) training courses and programs and use them later in the year. Our online self-paced PPW Program Implementer...

Free Prevention Plus Wellness Zoom Consultation
We are happy to provide a free Zoom consultation of 15-30 minutes in length or longer to present an overview of PPW programs and training or to discuss any questions...
Free Prevention Plus Wellness Zoom Consultation
We are happy to provide a free Zoom consultation of 15-30 minutes in length or longer to present an overview of PPW programs and training or to discuss any questions...

What Everyone Should Know About 21st Century Ca...
I attended a recent birthday party for a friend who was turning 60 and lives in Minnesota. At the party there was music, food, alcoholic drinks and yes, cannabis. The...
What Everyone Should Know About 21st Century Ca...
I attended a recent birthday party for a friend who was turning 60 and lives in Minnesota. At the party there was music, food, alcoholic drinks and yes, cannabis. The...

Depression and Spiritual Healing
Here is a great post from the Center for Action and Contemplation, appropriate for Mental Health Month. This site has many mental and spiritual health resources. Learn more today:
Depression and Spiritual Healing
Here is a great post from the Center for Action and Contemplation, appropriate for Mental Health Month. This site has many mental and spiritual health resources. Learn more today: